Contact us

0800 347 257

Our role

We provide an independent and impartial dispute resolution service. We are free to consumers. We resolve complaints between consumers and our scheme participants. In doing so, we are an alternative to legal proceedings for resolving financial services disputes.

We are not government-funded, nor do we regulate the financial services industry or discipline scheme participants.

We are required to meet the benchmarks of independence, fairness, accessibility, accountability, efficiency and effectiveness prescribed by the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008. We have been approved by the Minister of Consumer Affairs to operate as an external dispute resolution scheme in the financial services industry.

Who are our participants?

Our scheme participants include non-bank lenders and finance companies, credit unions, building societies, insurance companies, mortgage brokers, insurance brokers, financial advisers, trustees, fund managers, issuers of securities, transactional service providers, card issuers and many more.

For more information about our services, becoming a scheme participant, or making a complaint, contact one of our friendly team.