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Independent Review 2025 - Submissions invited. Find out more here.

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Latest news

  • FSCL’s independent review – submissions invited

    Financial Services Complaints Limited – A Financial Ombudsman Service (FSCL) is undergoing its third independent review. FSCL is independently reviewed every five years. The specific focus of this review is on the principles of accessibility, effectiveness, and fairness. Submissions are due by Friday 7 February 2025.

    MORE >: FSCL’s independent review – submissions invited
  • Know your loan terms before you sign

    As the holiday season approaches, many consumers may consider “interest-free” loans to manage their festive expenses. While these offers can seem like a great deal, Financial Services Complaints is encouraging consumers to read the fine print to avoid unwelcome surprises.

    MORE >: Know your loan terms before you sign
  • Woman scammed out of $25,000 after job offer on LinkedIn

    This Fraud Awareness Week (17-23 November), Financial Ombudsman Susan Taylor is reminding New Zealanders to remain vigilant about fraud, particularly when sharing personal or financial information online. This follows a recent case where a woman lost $25,000 to a LinkedIn job offer scam.

    MORE >: Woman scammed out of $25,000 after job offer on LinkedIn