Guides & cases
We’re here to help resolve complaints between consumers and financial service providers. You’ll find some useful resources below, including consumer guides and case studies summarising real-life complaints we’ve investigated.
Consumer guides
We’ve developed guides that offer clear, practical information on common complaint issues and financial service topics. Whether you need help understanding how we approach a particular complaint, or just want to enhance your knowledge and know your rights, these guides are here to assist you.
Case studies
Our case studies show how we deal with the many different issues that arise in our investigations. The case studies aim to provide consumers and participants with guidance as to the approach we are likely to take in a particular type of case or highlight some of the many ways in which a complaint can be resolved.
Our case studies are anonymised. We have changed names and other identifying information to prevent consumers and financial service providers from being identified.
A balanced approach leads to resolution
READ MORE >: A balanced approach leads to resolutionWhen the lender sold a voluntarily surrendered car for less than the borrower had been offered previously, he complained to us.
Holiday ruined – what does the travel insurance policy cover?
READ MORE >: Holiday ruined – what does the travel insurance policy cover?Sam and Anna said the insurer did not pay out all they were entitled to under their travel policy and delayed in assessing their claim.
I thought I had accident cover?
READ MORE >: I thought I had accident cover?Tom thought he had accident cover, it turned out he didn’t.