Adviser does not tell investor there will be delays in building her investment property
Financial adviser fails to tell customer of delays in building the townhouse she planned to buy as an investment.
Financial adviser fails to tell customer of delays in building the townhouse she planned to buy as an investment.
Rosie and her wife Huan said that they placed an unconditional bid on a property after their financial adviser told them they did not need pre-approval from a lender before making a bid. We found that the adviser had not told them this.
The financial adviser did not tell Finn that he had not resumed his contributions to his investment portfolio.
We worked with a participant and consumer to find a quick resolution.
The wealth management company deducted withholding tax from a dividend paid to Mason’s trust.
Jeannie was $160,000 short when she needed to settle her house purchase, after following advice to put all her money in a growth fund during a time of market volatility. Did she get suitable advice from her adviser?
Fetu complained that his mortgage adviser failed to progress his mortgage application after he provided all the necessary information. He wanted $90,000 compensation – but what was a fair outcome?
Kevin complained that his lender didn’t follow an instruction to fix his home loan interest rate. The lender agreed to settle – but what was a fair outcome?
Joe had been working with a mortgage adviser for over a year when he received a loan offer from a bank directly. Joe accepted the bank’s offer because it was higher than any offer his adviser had obtained, but the adviser then charged Joe a $2,500 fee – was this fair?
Lui and Fiafia were shocked when they received a $3,500 invoice from their former mortgage adviser