Apartment water woes
Deepak has two loss of rent insurance claims in quick succession, which causes confusion.
Deepak has two loss of rent insurance claims in quick succession, which causes confusion.
The carpet at Paige’s property was damaged after her tenants overwatered a plant. Paige assumed that her insurance would cover the damage.
The insurer declined Fatima’s claim under one section of the policy, but Fatima believed cover was available under a different section.
Flat owners complained about how an insurer had treated them when the insurer decided to end cover. We declined to investigate the complaint.
Aang claimed against his contents insurance after items were stolen from his storage unit.
Rāwiri thought that he had insurance cover for mould damage, but he didn’t.
It was not possible to insure Alison’s driveway but should the adviser have asked more questions so that Alison understood the extent of her insurance cover.
The insurer relied on an exclusion clause to decline Henry’s claim. Did the exclusion apply?
What happens if you have not received a financial service from the financial service provider you are complaining about? Can FSCL help?
For months a financial adviser led clients to believe he was arranging finance when he had done nothing, leaving them stressed and disappointed.