Financial Services Complaints Limited – A Financial Ombudsman Service (FSCL) is undergoing its third independent review.
As an approved dispute resolution service under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008, FSCL is independently reviewed every five years to ensure it is meeting the principles of accessibility, accountability, effectiveness, efficiency, fairness, and independence.
FSCL’s Board has appointed Nanette Moreau Hammond to conduct the review. Nanette is the Chair of the Advertising Standards Authority Appeal Board and a member of the Security and Reliability Council (part of the Electricity Authority). She is the former Commissioner and Chief Executive of Utilities Disputes Limited.
Nanette’s role is to examine and make recommendations about how effectively and efficiently FSCL operates to resolve and prevent complaints. She will consider and report on whether FSCL is meeting the six principles, with specific focus on the principles of accessibility, effectiveness, and fairness.
The below terms of reference set out the scope of the review and the questions Nanette will address.
FSCL Independent Review Terms of Reference 2025
The questions are also set out in the below issues paper.
FSCL Independent Review Issues Paper 2025
Submissions invited
Nanette invites submissions by Friday 7 February 2025.
If you would like to make a submission, please send it to:
If you need help to make a submission
Please email or call Stephanie Newton on 0800 347 257 if you need help to make a submission.