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Disputed credit card transaction

A disputed credit card transaction is redebited to the customer’s account because the customer did not understand she needed to provide additional information.

Was it open or not?

Ravi is seeking a refund from his credit card company for goods purchased overseas that had already been opened and that gave him a reaction.

Don’t make me wait – you’re one day late!

Roger’s credit card company took one working day longer than it should have to refund some money. It also got the timeframe wrong when Roger phoned. But does that warrant compensation?

Don’t make me wait – you’re one day late!

Roger’s credit card company took one working day longer than it should have to refund some money. It also got the timeframe wrong when Roger phoned. But does that warrant compensation?

Credit card chaos

A supplementary cardholder could only see her transactions online, so only paid part of the balance of the account allowing the main account holder’s transactions to accumulate incurring interest

Paying the wrong account

Lisa had been making payments to the wrong bank account for her credit card. When she found out, the credit card company refunded her money, but Lisa remained concerned they had kept her money for a month and did not contact her. Can Lisa complain about the credit card company’s service and seek improvements in their process?

Mowed away

Is a credit card provider caught by the Consumer Guarantees Act and obliged to cancel a contract if the goods paid for with the card are not of an acceptable quality?